Essay, Research Paper: College Paper On World History

World History

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The unemployment in Germany from 1928 to 1932 was devastating to the nations
economy. Reasons are varied but all are contributing factors. Unemployment
soared, it grew 3 1/2 times in just five years. The treaty of Versailles was to
blame, as it took away much land, where many natural resources were obtained.
Also was the disarmament, which caused much job cuts, as no more weapons were
being made. The Jewish were blamed for the bankruptcies and inflation because
they were in charge of many financial institutions. Hitler proclaimed that they
somehow tampered with the banking system to promote their own financial needs.
All allegations were false; they were only used to help Hitler in his political
race to rule the country, and eventually the world. Hitler made these speeches
to make German residents think that all the other countries blamed them and
their allies for the war. Hitler made their country sound strong, but also
capable of doing a lot because of the quarantine imposed on them. Germans were
gaining a false sense of pride and hope for the future from Hitler. Germans were
feeling anger towards the nations forcing the treaty of Versailles against them
because of many things. One, Loss of German territory, overseas and much of
their own connected land. Payments of reparations were severe, especially
because of their economic state of depression. Germany was also ordered
disarmament, which only lowered their defense and decreased employment. Germany
and their Allies were blamed for the war, even though Germany was under a new
government, their old leaders also took responsibility for all losses. Their old
national leaders and their allies, who were overthrown, signed the treaty. The
new government had to assume responsibility. Citizens of Germany seemed to love
Hitler; he represented hope for a new country, a strong country. A country whose
power would be dominant over all other countries. Here was a man who could bring
them out of their depression. He was also well known for his famous, powerful
speeches. The national Socialist Party was popular because it was almost a
revolution. It symbolized a revulsion against parliamentary politics,
parliamentary debate, parliamentary government, all the problems of the
political parties and their coalitions, and confusions amongst them. Hitler was
one, he was seen as "the man"; he was a natural leader. He didn't
support communism, which was a fear of many Germans, he didn't think communism
fit their countries needs.
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